How am I Not Myself?
When I am a little toasted.
This obviously (well, hopefully so) was not taken today but rather at the animation department wrap party last Saturday. We all got silly awards and mine reads "Best glasses" so I thought it would be funny to make it say "Best ass". The camera flash thought it would be even funnier to make it just say "ass". It's kinda sad when your sense of humor gets owned by a camera flash.
PS, the lovely S is screen left, hiding his handsome face behind a cup, probably embarassed by me. "Ass" is in "embarassed" too!
Edited to add:
How to Get Rid of Hipsters
Funny 'cause it's true!
Why do I feel somewhat attracted to, yet amused and anamored by such hipsters? Does it call for a "man, back in the day..." speech, or am I just f'ing jealous?
You know? back in the day... I used to do a mean kick-flip... Yeah...
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