Tuesday, February 05, 2008

All the Lazy Days are Gone

After a month of sleeping in and watching bad daytime TV, I re-enter the working world tomorrow. I'm really excited about this new opportunity. The only thing I'm worried about is turning into a frump at the early age of 25.5. Or at any age, for that matter.

I need clothes that are comfortable, professional and affordable. But I also need clothes that aren't boring.

I've fallen into a jeans/t-shirt/sneakers rut (the Austin uniform of choice) and it's time to get out of that. For the past couple of years, I have been dressing how I people want me to dress, rather than how I want to dress, a sure sign that I could easily slip into frump-dom.

I've found this great fashion blog, The Sartorialist, to inspire me. I love how he captures not only great clothes, but the personality of the person who made that wardrobe decision that day. These are real people (well, mostly) wearing clothes that work of their lives.

My goal is to be able to find that mix of personal style and practicality. I think it's time to haul the red pants, sexy shoes and other gems out of the back of the closet.

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