Saturday, July 15, 2006

Denver Photos

I've finally had time to upload the photos I took last Sunday, as well as some of the ones from the 4th of July, which I spent at my friend's parent's house.

They fed us strawberries and let us shoot off fireworks in the street, even though his mom worried the cops would come because it's illegal. Also, he has 4 rats that he calls his girlfriends. They're all named after X men girls.

Photos here

Friday, July 14, 2006

Good news, Sad news...

Good news! I finally have a wedding date! And it's our first choice! So on May 26th 2007, a little after 7:30 pm in the evening, S and I will officially become Mr. and Mrs. W.

Sad news...a dear blogging friend, Emmie over at cutieknittahfairy, is getting a divorce and in financial need. I've never met her, but I read her blog daily and she is an awesome person with a beautiful spirit. We've talked through e-mail a couple of times and she's been more than generous with her kindness and advice.

So if you are a charitable-minded person, please send her 5 dollars. It's the cost of a grande whatever from Starbucks. It's not saving the rainforest or ending the AIDS epidemic, but it will directly help a real, live, deserving person. I imagine ending your marriage would be hard enough...she doesn't need to deal with money matters as well. (She has had a lot of health problems that have prevented her from through her blog for details)

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rain walk

Denver is constantly drizzling today. I went for a quick walk in the neighborhood around the dorm and had fun taking pics. I also had a chance to knit a little...I somehow forgot how much it relaxes me. Order from chaos, and your knitting doesn't call you complaining or asking questions.

My favorite pic from today:

Little white mushrooms are all over the place, fed from the rain. Truly giant earthworms wriggled across my path. It's cold, it feels like November in Texas. Cold, wet, quiet but for drops on leaves, peaceful